Urban Cellars Moose Jaw (the “Company”) respects the privacy of its online visitors and customers of its products and services (including, but not limited to Urban Cellars Moose Jaw) and complies with applicable laws for the protec@on of your privacy.
1. Defini<ons
Wherever we talk about Personal Data below (“Personal Data”), we mean any informa@on that can either itself iden@fy you as an individual (“Personally Iden2fying Informa2on”) or that can be connected to you indirectly by linking it to Personally Iden@fying Informa@on, for example:
(i) your account registra@on informa@on on our website and in our App; (ii) when you request any support from us or report any problem to us; (iii) informa@on provided from using certain services or features;
(iv) informa@on from comple@on of survey or ques@onnaire;
(v) technical informa@on, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used
(vi) and your log-in informa@on, browser, @me zone seOng, browser plug-in types, and versions, opera@ng system, and plaPorm;
(vii) details of any transac@ons, purchases, and payments you made;
(viii) your general interac@on with the website, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), clickstream to, through, and from our site, products you viewed or searched for, page response @mes, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interac@on informa@on;
(ix) informa@on received from third par@es, such as business partners, sub-contractors, payment and delivery services, referrals by other users.
The Company also processes anonymous data, aggregated or not, to analyze and produce sta@s@cs related to the habits, usage paTerns, and demographics of customers as a group or as individuals. Such anonymous data does not allow the iden@fica@on of the customers to which it relates. the Company may share anonymous data, aggregated or not, with third par@es. Please be aware that the Company may choose to permit third par@es to offer subscrip@on and/or registra@on-based services through the Company’s site. The Company shall not be responsible for any ac@ons or policies of such third par@es and you should check the applicable privacy policy of such party when providing personally iden@fiable informa@on.
By using the Company’s website, you signify your assent to the Company’s privacy policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use the Company’s website(s).
2. Why the Company Collects and Processes Data
The Company collects and processes Personal Data for the following reasons:
(a) performing our agreement with you to provide content and services, including providing, improving, and developing our services;
(b) researching, designing, and launching new features or products;
(c) providing you with alerts, updates, materials, or informa@on about our services or other types of informa@on that you requested or signed up to;
(d) collec@ng overdue amounts;
(e) responding or taking part in legal proceedings, including seeking professional advice, or for the legi@mate and legal interests of the Company or a third party (e.g. the interests of our other customers);
(f) compliance with legal obliga@ons that we are subject to;
(g) communica@ng with you and responding to your ques@ons or requests;
(h) direct marke@ng – we require your consent specifically for this purpose and you may opt-out any @me;
(i) purposes directly related or incidental to the above; or
(j) where you have given consent to it.
These reasons for collec@ng and processing Personal Data determine and limit what Personal Data we collect and how we use it (sec@on 3. below), how long we store it (sec@on 4. below), who has access to it (sec@on 5. below) and what rights and other control mechanisms are available to you as a user (sec@on 6. below).
3. What Data We Collect and Process
3.1 Basic Account Data
When seOng up an Account, the Company will collect your email address and country of residence. You are also required to choose a user name and a password. The provision of this informa@on is necessary to register a User Account. You are responsible for keeping this password confiden@al. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.
During setup of your account, the account is automa@cally assigned a number (the “ID”) that is later used to reference your user account without directly exposing Personally-Iden@fying Informa@on about you.
3.2 Transac<on and Payment Data
In order to make a transac@on online, you may need to provide payment data to the Company to enable the transac@on. If you pay by credit card, you need to provide typical credit card informa@on (name, address, credit card number, expira@on date, and security code) to the Company, which the Company will process and transmit to the payment service provider of your choice to enable the transac@on and perform an@-fraud checks. Likewise, the Company will receive data from your payment service provider for the same reasons.
3.3 Other Data You Explicitly Submit
We will collect and process Personal Data whenever you explicitly provide it to us or send it as part of communica@on with others, e.g. in forums, chats, or when you provide feedback or other user-generated content. This data includes:
(a) Informa@on that you post, comment or follow in any of our Content and Services; (b) Informa@on sent through chat;
(c) Informa@on you provide when you request informa@on or support from us or purchase Content and Services from us, including informa@on necessary to process your orders with the relevant payment merchant or, in case of physical goods, shipping providers;
(d) Informa@on you provide to us when par@cipa@ng in compe@@ons, contests, and tournaments or responding to surveys, e.g. your contact details.
3.4 Your Use of the Websites
We collect a variety of informa@on through your general interac@on with the websites, Content, and Services offered by us. Personal Data we collect may include, but is not limited to, browser and device informa@on, data collected through automated electronic interac@ons, and applica@on usage data. Likewise, we will track your process across your websites and applica@ons to verify that you are not a bot and to op@mize our services.
3.5 Your Use of Services and other Subscrip<ons
In order to provide you with services, we need to collect, store and use various informa@on about your ac@vity in our Content and Services. “Content-Related Informa@on” includes your ID, as well as informa@on about your preferences, progress, @me spent, as well as informa@on about the device you are using, including what opera@ng system you are using, device seOngs, unique device iden@fiers, and crash data.
3.6 Tracking Data and Cookies
We use “Cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help us analyze how users use our services, and similar technologies (e.g. web beacons, pixels, ad tags, and device iden@fiers) to recognize you and/or your device(s) on, off and across different devices and our services, as well as to improve the services we are offering, to improve marke@ng, analy@cs or website func@onality. The use of Cookies is standard on the
internet. Although most web browsers automa@cally accept cookies, the decision of whether to accept or not is yours. You may adjust your browser seOngs to prevent the recep@on of cookies, or to provide no@fica@on whenever a cookie is sent to you. You may refuse the use of cookies by selec@ng the appropriate seOngs on your browser. However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to access the full func@onality of our websites. When you visit any of our services, our servers log your global IP address, which is a number that is automa@cally assigned to the network your computer is part of.
3.7 Third Party Services
This website uses Google Analy@cs, Google Maps (“Third Party Service”). Third-Party Service uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on visitors’ computers, to help the website operators analyze how visitors use the site. The informa@on generated by the cookie about the visitors’ use of the website will generally be transmiTed to and stored by Third-Party Service on servers in the [United States]. Please be aware that Company cannot or does not control the use of cookies or the resul@ng informa@on by the Third Party Service.
On behalf of the website operator, Third Party Service will use this informa@on for the purpose of evalua@ng the website / loca@on / creden@als for its users, in order to compile reports on website ac@vity and to provide other services rela@ng to website ac@vity and internet usage for website operators.
Third-Party Service will not associate the IP address transferred any other data held by the Company. You may refuse the use of cookies by selec@ng the appropriate seOngs on your browser. However, please note that in this case, you may not be able to use the full func@onality of this website.
3.8 Content Recommenda<ons
We may process informa@on collected under sec@on 3 so that content, products and services shown on the pages and in update messages displayed when launching the service can be tailored to meet your needs and populated with relevant recommenda@ons and offers. This is done to improve your customer experience.
Subject to your separate consent or where explicitly permiTed under applicable laws on email marke@ng, the Company may send you marke@ng messages about products and services offered by the Company to your email address. In such a case we may also use your collected informa@on to customise such marke@ng messages as well as collect informa@on on whether you opened such messages and which links in their text you followed.
You can opt out or withdraw your consent to receive marke@ng emails at any @me by either withdrawing the consent on the same page where you previously provided it or clicking the “unsubscribe” link provided in every marke@ng email. Notwithstanding any opt out of promo@onal or marke@ng emails by you, we reserve the right to contact you regarding account status, changes to the user agreement and other maTers relevant to the underlying service and/or the informa@on collected.
3.9 Informa<on Required to Detect Viola<ons
We collect certain data that is required for our detec@on, inves@ga@on and preven@on of fraud, chea@ng and other viola@ons of the applicable laws (“Viola2ons”). This data is used only for the purposes of detec@on, inves@ga@on, preven@on and, where applicable, ac@ng on of such Viola@ons and stored only for the minimum amount of @me needed for this purpose. If the data indicates that a Viola@on has occurred, we will further store the data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims during the applicable statute of limita@ons or un@l a legal case related to it has been resolved. Please note that the specific data stored for this purpose may not be disclosed to you if the disclosure will compromise the mechanism through which we detect, inves@gate and prevent such Viola@ons.
4. How We Store Data
4.1 Period of Storage
We will store your informa@on as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the informa@on is collected and processed or — where the applicable law provides for longer storage and reten@on period — for the storage and reten@on period required by law. In par@cular, if you terminate your User Account, your Personal Data will be marked for dele@on except to the degree legal requirements or other prevailing legi@mate purposes dictate a longer storage. All your data and credits will be lost aier dele@on.
4.2 Dele<on of Data
In cases where Personal Data cannot be completely deleted in order to ensure the consistency of the system, the user experience or the community, your informa@on will be permanently anonymized. Please note that the Company is required to retain certain transac@onal data under statutory commercial and tax law for a period of up to ten (10) years.
If you withdraw your consent on which a processing of your Personal Data, we will delete your Personal Data without undue delay to the extent that the collec@on and processing of the Personal Data was based on the withdrawn consent.
If you exercise a right to object to the processing of your Personal Data, we will review your objec@on and delete your Personal Data that we processed for the purpose to which you objected without undue delay, unless another legal basis for processing and retaining this data exists or unless applicable law requires us to retain the data.
4.3 Loca<on of Storage
The data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at Canada, or a des@na@on outside of your jurisdic@on. It may also be processed by third par@es who operate outside of your jurisdic@on. By submiOng your personal data you agree to this transfer, storing or processing of data outside of your jurisdic@on. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely in accordance with this privacy policy.
5. Who Has Access to Data
5.1 The Company and its subsidiaries may share your Personal Data with each other and use it to the degree necessary to achieve the purposes listed in sec@on 2 above. This includes our overseas offices, affiliates, business partners and counterparts (on a need-to-know basis only). In the event of a reorganiza@on, sale or merger we may transfer Personal Data to the relevant or proposed transferees of our opera@ons (or a substan@al part thereof) in any part of the world.
5.2 We may also share your Personal Data with our third party providers that provide customer support services in connec@on with goods, Content and Services distributed via us. Your Personal Data will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and only as far as this is necessary for performing customer support services.
5.3 We may also share your informa@on with our personnel, agents, advisers, auditors, contractors, financial ins@tu@ons, and service providers in connec@on with our opera@ons or services (for example staff engaged in the fulfilment of your order, the processing of your payment and the provision of support services); persons under a duty of confiden@ality to us; or persons to whom we are required to make disclosure under applicable laws and regula@ons in any part of the world.
5.4 In accordance with internet standards, we may also share certain informa@on (including your IP address and the iden@fica@on of content you wish to access) with our third party network providers that provide content delivery network services and server services in connec@on with us. Our content delivery network providers enable the delivery of digital content you have requested, by using a system of distributed servers that deliver the content to you, based on your geographic loca@on.
5.5 The Company may allow you to link your User Account to an account offered by a third party. If you consent to link the accounts, the Company may collect and combine informa@on you allowed the Company to receive from a third party with informa@on of your User Account to the degree allowed by your consent at the @me. If the linking of the accounts requires the transmission of informa@on about your person from the Company to a third party, you will be informed about it before the linking takes place and you will be given the opportunity to consent to the linking and the transmission of your informa@on. The third party’s use of your informa@on will be subject to the third party’s privacy policy, which we encourage you to review.
5.6 The Company may release Personal Data to comply with court orders or laws and regula@ons that require us to disclose such informa@on.
5.7 We make certain data related to your User Account available to other users. This informa@on can be accessed by anyone by querying your ID. At a minimum, the public persona name you have chosen to represent you are accessible this way. The accessibility of any addi@onal info about you can be controlled through your user profile page; data publicly available on your profile page can be accessed automa@cally. While we do not knowingly share Personally Iden@fying Informa@on about you such as your real name or your email address, any informa@on you share about yourself on your public profile can be accessed, including informa@on that may make you iden@fiable.
5.8 The community includes message boards, forums and/or chat areas, where users can exchange ideas and communicate with each other. When pos@ng a message to a
board, forum or chat area, please be aware that the informa@on is being made publicly available online; therefore, you are doing so at your own risk; and that such informa@on can be collected, correlated and used by third par@es and may result in unsolicited messages from other posters or third par@es and these ac@vi@es are beyond our control. If your Personal Data is posted on one of our community forums against your will, please use the repor@ng func@on and the help site to request its removal.
6. Your Rights and Control Mechanisms
You have the right to:
(a) check whether we hold personal data about you;
(b) access any personal data we hold about you;
(c) require us to correct any inaccuracy or error in any personal data we hold about you;
(d) request for the dele@on of your personal data through the dele@on of the user account.
7. Children
The minimum age to create a User Account is 19. the Company will not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under this age. Insofar as certain countries apply a higher age of consent for the collec@on of Personal Data, the Company requires parental consent before a User Account can be created and Personal Data associated with it collected. The Company encourages parents to instruct their children to never give out personal informa@on when online.
8. Contact Info
You can contact the Company’s data protec@on officer at the address below.
While we review any request sent by mail, please be aware that to combat fraud, harassment and iden@ty thei, the only way to access, rec@fy or delete your data is through logging in with your User Account at
ATen@on: Privacy Officer
9. Revision Date
This privacy policy was last updated on 11 February 2023 (“Revision Date”). If you were a user before the Revision Date, it replaces the exis@ng Privacy Policy. The Company reserves the right to change this policy at any @me by no@fying the users of the existence of a new privacy statement. This policy is not intended to and does not create any contractual or legal rights in or behalf of any party.